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Monday to Friday, 10am to 4pm


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    • delivery
    • returs & exchange
    • payment
    • how to shop at TLHL
      • Changing order information

        We start processing your order quickly, which means that we cannot make any changes or cancellations once your order has been confirmed. This includes changing the address or delivery option.In this case, we recommend placing a new order with the delivery address that you prefer and returning the first order once you receive it. When we receive the order in our warehouse, we will process the refund.

      • Delivery restrictions

        We start processing your order quickly, which means that we cannot make any changes or cancellations once your order has been confirmed. This includes changing the address or delivery option.In this case, we recommend placing a new order with the delivery address that you prefer and returning the first order once you receive it. When we receive the order in our warehouse, we will process the refund.

      • Delivery of several orders

        We start processing your order quickly, which means that we cannot make any changes or cancellations once your order has been confirmed. This includes changing the address or delivery option.In this case, we recommend placing a new order with the delivery address that you prefer and returning the first order once you receive it. When we receive the order in our warehouse, we will process the refund.

      • Delivery of several orders

        We start processing your order quickly, which means that we cannot make any changes or cancellations once your order has been confirmed. This includes changing the address or delivery option.In this case, we recommend placing a new order with the delivery address that you prefer and returning the first order once you receive it. When we receive the order in our warehouse, we will process the refund.

      • A new order

        We start processing your order quickly, which means that we cannot make any changes or cancellations once your order has been confirmed. This includes changing the address or delivery option.In this case, we recommend placing a new order with the delivery address that you prefer and returning the first order once you receive it. When we receive the order in our warehouse, we will process the refund.

      • Aliquam cursus suscipit

        Aliquam cursus suscipit tellus in porttitor. Aenean nec ligula sit amet
        magna consequat finibus in et massa. Curabitur in ligula ante. Proin
        vulputate massa enim, vitae condimentum leo vulputate eget. Donec
        facilisis odio vel risus porttitor pellentesque. Nunc vestibulum tempor
        dolor ac congue. Duis in turpis purus. Etiam varius elit magna, in
        pretium ligula rutrum vitae. Integer imperdiet metus ac dignissim
        ullamcorper. Quisque porta nulla vitae quam sollicitudin, id gravida
        orci eleifend. Pellentesque vitae neque tempor, mollis nisi eu,
        consectetur dui. Ut molestie fermentum ex. Mauris at interdum lorem.
        Nulla facilisi.

      • What is Lorem Ipsum?

        Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec odio mi,
        sollicitudin ut tincidunt at, malesuada et odio. Vestibulum nisi sapien,
        elementum a lacinia sed, pulvinar nec eros. Nulla bibendum magna ac
        tincidunt rhoncus. In velit odio, vehicula luctus vehicula in, tincidunt
        eget metus. Vestibulum at ex sed velit dapibus fermentum a quis leo.
        Quisque quam lorem, feugiat et sodales id, ultricies sit amet sapien.
        Aenean auctor efficitur libero nec pharetra. Phasellus hendrerit enim
        mi, et euismod urna tincidunt in. Phasellus sit amet suscipit nisl.
        Vivamus aliquet posuere viverra. Cras maximus erat nec libero tempor, id
        hendrerit est fermentum. Nulla accumsan cursus lacus. Maecenas pretium
        pellentesque risus quis tincidunt. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique
        senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Phasellus
        blandit auctor nisl ut mollis. Nulla accumsan congue justo.

      • Aliquam cursus suscipit

        Aliquam cursus suscipit tellus in porttitor. Aenean nec ligula sit amet
        magna consequat finibus in et massa. Curabitur in ligula ante. Proin
        vulputate massa enim, vitae condimentum leo vulputate eget. Donec
        facilisis odio vel risus porttitor pellentesque. Nunc vestibulum tempor
        dolor ac congue. Duis in turpis purus. Etiam varius elit magna, in
        pretium ligula rutrum vitae. Integer imperdiet metus ac dignissim
        ullamcorper. Quisque porta nulla vitae quam sollicitudin, id gravida
        orci eleifend. Pellentesque vitae neque tempor, mollis nisi eu,
        consectetur dui. Ut molestie fermentum ex. Mauris at interdum lorem.
        Nulla facilisi.

      • Test

        Test Test Test